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IJWESC Abstract

Abundance and Diversity of Bird Species of Okomu National Park, Edo State Nigeria

1*Okosodo E.F., and 2Okosodo K. A.

1*Department Leisure and Tourism Management, Federal Polytechnic Ilaro, P.M.B. 50 Ogun state Nigeria.

2Department of Forestry Resources and Wildlife Management, Ekiti State University Ado - Ekiti. Ekiti state Nigeria.

*Corresponding Author’s Email ✉: okosodo04@yahoo.co.uk

Accepted January 13, 2020

Abundance and Diversity of avian species were studied in Okomu National park Edo State Nigeria. Thirty transect lines of 1000 m each were randomly placed. Data were collected for twelve months (Dry and Wet seasons). Transects lines were patrolled three times a week and all birds seen and heard were recorded. In all, a total 2,650 individual bird species spread across 164 bird subspecies, 42 families and 15 orders were recorded. The dominant family was Pycnonotidae; it has 17 of the total bird species in the study area. One endangered bird species, African Grey Parrot (Psittacus erithacus), was encountered in the study area. The relative abundance of bird species were higher (18.7 and 18.9) dry season was higher than the wet season (18.7and 17.9 of the year). This study showed that the value of Shannon diversity index for bird species was higher in the dry season (4.68) than the farmland (4.636). A total of 104 taxas and 619 individual trees species belonging to 47 families were enumerated. Seventeen (17) tree species were observed to fall into tall emergent layer while, fifty-four (54) tree species were recorded to fall into middle layer strata and thirty three (33) tree species were enumerated to have fall into the understored layer. The habitat specialization result indicates that Seven (7) bird species were encountered in the forest floor some of the bird species while, thirty three (33) bird species were observed to utilize tall emergent layer and Sixty (60) bird species were observed to utilize middle layer trees.

Key words: Home range, Abundance, Bird species, Diversity, and Habitat Fragmentation.

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