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IJWESC Abstract

Influence of Length of Proboscis on the Feeding Rate in Skipper Butterflies (Family: Hesperiidae) from Mayureshwar Wildlife Sanctuary Supe Baramati (India)

1Vitthalrao Bhimasha Khyade, and 2Sharad Ganpat Jagtap

1Department of Zoology, Shardabai Pawar Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Shardanagar Tal. Baramati Dist. Pune – 413115 (India). Author’s Email ✉: vbkhyade.2016@gmail.com

2Department of Zoology, B.E. Society Daunds Lt. K. G. Kataria College of Arts and Science, Ambedkar Chawk, Siddhtech Road, Daund, District: Pune-413801 (India). Author’s Email ✉: sjagtap8040@gmail.com

Accepted August 02, 2019

There is a significant interaction among the plant species and butterfly species. Their interaction is leading to develop favourable characters in plants as well as in the butterflies. Hesperiidae butterflies are well recognized for the significantly longer length of their proboscis of mouth parts. In the process of evolution, butterflies gained the advantage of longer proboscis. Due to presence of longer proboscis, the butterflies of family: Hesperiidae are able to visit the host plant flowers with longer tube of corolla. The present deals with study of the Hesperiidae butterflies of Mayureshwar Wildlife Sanctuary, Supe Baramati (India) with reference to size of the body; length of proboscis (mm); diameter of food canal and rate of intake of nectar from the host plant flower (nL/s). The longest proboscis among the Hesperiidae butterflies of Mayureshwar Wildlife Sanctuary, Supe Baramati (India) in present attempt belong to grass-skipper butterfly, Perichares lotus (A. Butler, 1870) (Hesperiinae Clade: 113), measuring about 63.486 (± 9.883) units. The shortest proboscis among the Hesperiidae butterflies of Mayureshwar Wildlife Sanctuary, Supe Baramati (India) in present attempt belong to dicot skipper butterfly, Typhedanus undulates (Hewitson, 1867) (Eudaminae), measuring about 12.93 (± 1.493) units. With reference to rate of intake of fluid food material (nL/S), dicot skipper butterfly, Bungalotis quadratum quadratum (Sepp, 1845) (Eudaminae) reported the highest readings 1282.09 (± 277.14) units.

Key words: Grass-skipper; Typhedanus; Perichares; Bungalotis; Calpodini

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