STAND COMPOSITION AND STRUCTURE OF AMBOI FOREST RESERVE IN TARABA STATE, NIGERIA *Maiguru A.A., Zaku S.S., and Idiege D. A. Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management, Federal University Wukari, P.M.B. 1020, Wukari, Taraba State, Nigeria.
Accepted August 01, 2019 The study examined the stand composition and structure of Amboi Forest Reserve in Taraba State, Nigeria. Sixty eight (68) hectare plots were demarcated out in the forest. Each hectare plot was re-demarcated into four (4) equal sizes of 50m x 50m (2,500m2) out of which one was randomly selected for the assessment. The enumeration covers all individual tree species from ≥ 5cm diameter. Data collected were the lists of the tree, diameter at breast height (dbh) and total heights. Haga altimeter and diameter tape were used for the measurements of the trees total heights and diameter at breast heights (dbh). The result indicates that the forest was composed with 111 trees species belonging to 32 taxonomic families. The family of Fabaceae had the highest number of trees sampled, followed by Moraceae. Cola digitata in the family of Sterculiaceae was the most abundant individual tree species in the forest, followed by Myrianthus arboreus in the family of Moraceae. The diameter class from 20cm – 29 cm and height class of 10m-19m had the highest number of tress. The structure of the forest showed that majority of the tree species were in co– dominant, followed by the intermediate. The distribution of the trees in diameter and total heights in the forest indicates there are no maximum volumes of produce required annually as a result of over-exploitation. Enrichment planting is recommended in order to sustain the forest. Key words: Forest Reserve, forest structure, composition, diameter class, height Full Text PDF (530 KB) |