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IJWESC Abstract

Effect of Anthropogenic Light at Night (ALAN) on Condition Factor (CF) and Hepato-somatic Index (HSI) of Sclerophrys maculata

*Amuzie Chidinma C., Green Anne F., and Ekerette Idorenyin B.

Department of Animal and Environmental Biology, Faculty of Science, Rivers State University, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
*Corresponding Author’s Email ✉:nmaamuzie@gmail.com /Phone☎: +234-8036729346

Accepted April18, 2019

Anthropogenic light at night (ALAN) alters natural day length and has physiological and behavioural effects on living organisms. Here we examine the impact of ALAN on the body condition factor (CF) and hepato-somatic index (HSI) of anurans, Sclerophrys maculata. Fifteen specimens were collected from Bakana, Rivers State, Nigeria, for the research. They had initial mean snout-vent length (SVL), body mass (BM) and CF values of 4.45cm, 7.63g and 8.64, respectively. After acclimatization, they had mean SVL, BM and CF of 4.44cm, 11.41g and 13.00, respectively. Among the specimens exposed to ALAN, after 7, 14, and 21 days, the mean CF values were 13.32, 8.91, and 13.98, respectively; the mean HSI values were 3.24, 2.54, and 2.18, respectively. Among the specimens of the control group, after 7, 14, and 21 days, the mean CF values were 8.72, 10.29, and 12.55, respectively; the mean HSI values were 1.95, 1.45 and 1.90, respectively. Student t-test showed no significant differences in the mean condition factor values obtained for both groups of specimens over the experimental period (t3=0.798, p=0.23). Same test showed no significant differences in the total body mass of the specimens exposed to ALAN and control conditions (t3=1.06, p=0.18). However, there was a significant difference in the HSI of the specimens exposed to both experimental conditions (t3=2.54, p=0.04). Significantly higher HSI values were obtained in specimens exposed to ALAN. This research has shown that ALAN poses stress on amphibians and the effect is better revealed by a measure of the HSI.

Key words: ALAN, condition factor, hepato-somatic index, Sclerophrys maculata, amphibians.

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