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Full Length Research

Kamilia Tawfik, Mohamed Abdul Baseer, Aseel Alghamdi, and Reham Binhazza


Knowledge and Awareness of the Population towards Obesity and Weight Management Medications – A Cross-Sectional Study

(Abstract)(Full Article - PDF-) pp 728 - 735.

Search Author(s) in PubMed: Kamilia Tawfik | Mohamed Abdul Baseer | Aseel Alghamdi | Reham Binhazza

Search Author(s) in Google Scholar: Kamilia Tawfik | Mohamed Abdul Baseer | Aseel Alghamdi | Reham Binhazza


Review Article

Stephen Asombu Saa-Aondo, and Hajara Umar Sanda

Clinical Communication and Sustainable Healthcare Delivery in the Era of Pandemics: Revisiting Nigeria’s Biomedical Model

(Abstract)(Full Article - PDF-) pp 736 - 746.

Search Author(s) in PubMed: Stephen Asombu Saa-Aondo | Hajara Umar Sanda

Search Author(s) in Google Scholar: Stephen Asombu Saa-Aondo | Hajara Umar Sanda